Dialup Service FormatΒΆ

Filename: dialup.csv

Each row represents a single dialup account. There can be many dialup accounts for a single billing customer. Dialup accounts are expected to have a domain at the end of the username, i.e. bob@dialupdomain.com . If the current dialup accounts do not use a domain, RADIUS can rewrite usernames to add the domain depending on which access numbers are being used. In this case a dialup domain will still be used to import the dialup accounts, but the customer will be unaware that it is there. Contact serverplus to determine the dialup domain/realm if you are unsure what to use for the domain.

The columns for this file are:

Column Name Description
username This is the username to login to the dialup account. A realm/domain is required, i.e. bob@dialupdomain.net
password The password used to log into this dialup account
customer_original_id the uniqueid for the matching customer record in the customer file. Mulpiple dialup accounts per customer are allowed. This is required
rate_name If not blank this is the name of the rate to associate the dialup account under for the customer. If this is blank then the first rate for the customer is used. Customers without rates cannot have services added.
customer_rate_original_id If this column is included, and not blank, the customer rate with matching orignal_id (for the given customer_original_id) will be used to attach the rate to. If this is not given the first matching rate_name for the given customer_original_id will be used.

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